window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-C3TX74X7XK'); Making ‘Hybrid’ Work for Women: Emerging Insights and Opportunities for Moving the Needle | LEAD at Krea University

31 May, 2023


2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

New Delhi

Making ‘Hybrid’ Work for Women: Emerging Insights and Opportunities for Moving the Needle

Partners: Zoom Inc, IWWAGE

The COVID pandemic has re-defined the nature of work, and brought different working models such as remote and hybrid working arrangements into the spotlight across the globe. In India, where advancing women’s labour force participation in India has been a critical area of policy focus in rent times, the advent of hybrid work offers women work opportunities that may otherwise be restricted by social norms, mobility and safety concerns, among others. With the increasing momentum in favour of hybrid work in the private sector, understanding the implications of hybrid work arrangements for women from diverse socio-economic segments and career paths is critical.

In this context, Zoom Inc and LEAD at Krea University organised a roundtable on Emerging Insights From The Hybrid Models And Women’s Work In India with the objective of convening experts from policy, industry and academia to informing the initiatives towards enabling women’s labour force participation in the world of work, and contributing to the dialogue on inclusive working arrangements and policies. The round table also provided an opportunity for partners to present evidence and insights from research in this space, and share learnings from LEAD/IWWAGE/Zoom’s studies as well.