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Gig Pulse: Financial Matters & Motives – Insights Into the Various Lives of Gig Workers

Sharon Buteau, Badal Malick

August 2023

The introduction of digital technology in key sectors has fundamentally altered how people work and has far-reaching implications for the future of work. One such shift is seen in the emergence of the
gig economy, which currently accounts for around 8 million workers in India.

This learning note is part of a broader project that aims to capture and highlight the perspectives of gig workers. The project seeks to build evidence to deepen our understanding of the financial lives of gig workers through a series of data-driven insights and narratives gathered over time, which will allow us to understand trends in this segment better and develop solutions required to enable its sustainable growth.


Learning Note

Thematic Area

Financial Well-being and Social Protection,

Small, Growing Businesses and Employment