Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) for the Districts Of Kerala

This study presents a general framework to generate, assess and replicate a composite measure of environmental sustainability at the district level for the State of Kerala.

An Environment Sustainability Index is an important diagnostic tool that can enable evidence-based policymaking and assist stakeholders in prioritizing environmental concerns which require immediate action. This study presents a framework to generate, assess and replicate a composite measure of environmental sustainability at the District level, for the State of Kerala. The study has been initiated by the Directorate of Environment and Climate Change, Government of Kerala as a baseline exercise with a view to support timely intervention, measurement and evaluation of decentralised planning for environmental sustainability. Known for a relatively active third tier of government, several land and water use issues are known to be dealt with by the local self-governments in Kerala. Hence, this study provides inputs relevant for decentralised decision making on localised environmental priorities, by presenting the relative performance of Districts across conceptual and sectoral categories

Thematic Area

Institutions and Society

Project Leads

V. Shivaranjani




Directorate of Environment & Climate Change, Kerala

