January 18, 2024

New Delhi

Digital Dividends: Understanding the Use of Social Commerce by Women Entrepreneurs in Rural India

How can leveraging social commerce help rural women entrepreneurs forge better futures and strengthen market linkages? What are the challenges, and what solutions can be offered to women-led businesses in the Indian landscape? LEAD and Nasscom Foundation released a joint publication at the TechForGood Conclave 2024 in alignment with the UN’s 2030 SDG Agenda. The report delves into actionable insights and recommendations in the context.

The session featured leading policymakers and experts, including:

  • Sharon Buteau, Executive Director, LEAD at Krea University
  • T Koshy, Managing Director, Open Network For Digital Commerce (ONDC)
  • Anna Roy, Senior Adviser, NITI Aayog
  • Nidhi Bhasin, Chief Executive Officer, Nasscom Foundation

TechForGood Conclave 2024 is an initiative anchored by Nasscom Foundation that will unite stakeholders, including government entities, organisations, civil society, last-mile enablers, social innovators, and the social investment community in Delhi, to facilitate discussions on leveraging digital innovation and data-driven solutions for SDG advancements. LEAD is a partner in the event and discussed/shared broader learnings from its work.