

Consultation with Stakeholders at National Farmer’s Forum Network

Partners: Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA), Farmer’s Farming Network

Sabina Yasmin, Research Fellow, LEAD at Krea University, participated in a meeting actioned by SEWA and the Farmer’s Forum Network aimed at bridging the gap between being a producer and becoming an entrepreneur. The focus of the meeting was on business development and surveys on developing rural communication services so that farmers can easily grasp skills required.

LEAD specifically presented the findings from a survey with around 4880 women farmers associated with SEWA to understand the brief impact of the farm laws implemented during the pandemic in 2021. The discussion was largely centered around these findings and the important policy aspects that emerged out of the study. Themes deliberated upon included lack of accessibility to ICT, credit, information, markets, land rights, agricultural inputs and community participation for the women farmers.

The participants were from 20 organisations in the agri-space and had FPO members, directors from states like Jammu and Kashmir, Rajasthan, Gujarat, UP, Bihar, Assam, Meghalaya, Maharashtra.