window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-C3TX74X7XK'); Consultation on Economic Empowerment of Women Through Producer Collectives | LEAD at Krea University

November 20, 2023


Consultation on Economic Empowerment of Women Through Producer Collectives

Partner: Tamil Nadu State Rural Livelihoods Mission, Ministry of Rural Development

Formation of producer collectives is an important pillar for promoting women’s economic empowerment, through farm, off farm and non-farm business activities. Sharon Buteau, Executive Director, LEAD at Krea University, shared insights on enabling women’s collectives as part of a panel discussion on ‘Sectoral Interventions and Enterprises.’ The panel was part of a regional consultation organised by DAY-NRLM, Ministry of Rural Development.