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Nano Enterprise Lending: Insights on Borrower Profiles – Inclusive Finance India Summit

Partners: Michael & Susan Dell Foundation, ACCESS Development Services Nano enterprises have a significant role to play in the growth of the Indian economy, from generating employment to contributing to GDP. LEAD continued its association as a Technical Partner with the … Read More

Understanding Inclusion and Inequality: Cases from Indian Cities – Urban ARC (Cities in Flux)

Partner: Indian Institute of Human Settlements (IIHS) The broad spectrum of the nature of flux in and across our cities has been well emphasised. Flux and the organic pathways that it creates in the development and evolution of cities have … Read More

The Public and Digital: Examining the Spatial Dimensions of Increasing Gender-based Violence in India

Partner: Krea University, IWWAGE Gender-based Violence (GBV) has witnessed an exponential rise in the last decade, unmitigated by national and international policies and initiatives. In the last decade, the context for Violence against Women and Girls disproportionately intensified with the … Read More

State Capacity and Issues of Nano and Micro Entrepreneurs – IPPN Annual Conference

Partner: Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA), India Public Policy Network (IPPN) State Capacity: What Is It and Why Is It Needed? Reflecting on the recent past, two simultaneous forces are in play pertaining to the capacities of governments – … Read More

SARDI India MSME Tech Policy Fellowship Program – Inception Workshop

Partners: United States Agency for International Development (USAID), DAI USAID through its South Asia Regional Digital Initiative (SARDI) has launched a fellowship program to conduct policy research at the interface of digitalisation and MSMEs in India. Overall, SARDI is managed by DAI. The … Read More

Impact of Access to Finance on Nano Enterprises

Sharon Buteau, Abhishek Gupta, Varun Hariharan

Nano enterprises can be classified as a distinct segment within the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) as firms with an annual turnover less than INR 1 crore, characterised by their hyperlocal roots and focus. These are ubiquitous businesses which … Read More

Road to Recovery: Examining the Impact of COVID-19 on Microbusinesses in India

LEAD at Krea University and Global Alliance for Mass Entrepreneurship (GAME)

Micro enterprises form an integral part of the fabric of livelihoods in urban areas of India, particularly in Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities where income-generating activities are scarce for most low-income households. Hence, unexpected and long-drawn crises such as COVID-19 can … Read More

Six Learnings from Swashakt Program’s Complexity-aware Monitoring

Morchan Karthick

Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation (MLE) approaches for development interventions have been constantly evolving over time. It started as a country-level focus in the 1960s and expanded to individual program-level MLE approaches, methods and standards in the 1990s and newer and … Read More

Metrics from the Ground Up Conference 2022

Partner: Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE)  How can we improve the metrics that we track? What are the emerging measurement practices? Insights surrounding these key questions will be discussed in the 2022 edition of the conference convened by ANDE. … Read More

Opportunities and Challenges for a Green Economic Recovery in Odisha: Dissemination Workshop

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on supply chains, coupled with the impact of climate disasters on natural resource-based livelihoods, has created a dual struggle for many climate-vulnerable locations in the country including Odisha. Following up on its earlier workshop … Read More