Author Archives: admin

Empowering Women With Access to Affordable Child Care

With declining female labour force participation in India, this impact evaluation study aims to explore the influence of day care facilities on a range of social and economic outcomes on women and contribute to evidence in support of child care programmes for women empowerment. … Read More

Preferences, Use and Impact of Gold Savings Products in Migrant Corridors

This exploratory study examines the preferences, use and impact of gold savings product amongst migrant households in Kerala in order to better understand the potential impacts of alternate savings products and unpack the different aspects of financial behaviour. … Read More

Research Study On Start-up Ecosystem In Tamil Nadu

Study on the state of startup ecosystem in Tamil Nadu to present challenges and issues faced by startups to provide recommendations for a more enabling entrepreneurial environment. … Read More

Productivity and Competition in India’s Brick Industry

This study examines the underlying role of financial misallocation in driving productivity dispersion, in India’s brick industry. … Read More

Usage and Cross-Usage of Digital Financial Services across Agri Value Chains

With low digital literacy a major obstacle in achieving digital financial inclusivity, very little concern has gone towards the usability of digital financial services/products. This study examines the factors that influence the usability of digital products designed for farmers. … Read More

Review of BMGF/DFID Partnership Cities Project

This study reviews the outcomes of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMFG)/UK Department of International Development (DfID) initiated partnership to promote private sector engagement in non-networked sanitation and improve capabilities of sanitation service authorities to govern these partnerships. … Read More

What is Effective Human Touch as India Transitions to a Digital Age?

In the context of an increasing thrust on digital financial inclusion in India, this study examines the role of human touch points in assisting clients from low-income households in transitioning to digital financial services.  … Read More

Market Access and Enterprise Readiness of Women-led Businesses – Handicrafts and Handlooms

This study aims to understand market access and enterprise readiness among women entrepreneurs in the handicrafts and handlooms sector in order to identify impediments to a more enabling entrepreneurial ecosystem for them. … Read More

The Impact of Access to Finance in Rural Tamil Nadu: Evidence From a Randomized Control Trial

Using an experimental approach, this study evaluates the impact of a formal financial service delivery model – Kshetriya Grameen Financial Services (KGFS) – on rural households in Tamil Nadu. … Read More

Optimizing Network Referrals to Identify and Recruit Credit Worthy Entrepreneurs

Microfinance lenders make limited credit offers due to operational challenges in extensive referral and screening processes. This study aims to explore and optimize a referral protocol to identify good entrepreneurs and increase their access to credit. … Read More