Author Archives: admin

Credit Scoring Model for Registered Chit Fund Users

An analysis of how existing information on clients of Chit Funds can be used to predict their creditworthiness and savings/borrowing needs. … Read More

Collateral and Guarantee

This study aims to test the impact of lowering collateral and guarantee requirements on the sustainability of Chit Funds. … Read More

Chronic Sleep Deprivation Among the Poor: A Lab-and-Field Approach in India

This study examines the impact of sleep deprivation on cognitive function, decision-making and economic outcomes. … Read More

Bringing Clean Energy to Rural India: A Case Study of the Bagepalli CDM Biogas Project

This case study examines the sustainable development and community involvement aspects of the Bagepalli Biogas CDM project, and outlines strategies for scaling up community-based CDM projects. … Read More

Best Practices: Environmental Sustainability Index 2011

The Environmental Sustainability Index is a step towards mapping sustainability levels of Indian states, while estimating their ability to balance economic development with environmental concerns.  … Read More

An Evaluation of Village Development Plans in Tamil Nadu

This study evalutes the implementation of Village Development Plans in Tamil Nadu and documents the perspectives of key stakeholders. … Read More

A Study on Financing Model and Liabilities (Terminal Benefits) for Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board

This study analyses the pension liabilities of Tamil Nadu’s Water Supply and Drainage Board, using a financing model, as well as assesses the impact of funding provisions for pension expenditure on the state budget. … Read More

A Randomized Evaluation of an Agent Intermediated Loan

This study evaluates a more flexible system of lending that involves individual rather than group liability, exploring variations where local intermediaries like shopkeepers, traders and lenders function as commissioned loan agents. … Read More

What Determines Entrepreneurial Success — A Psychometric Study of Rural Entrepreneurs in India

This study examines the determinants of entrepreneurial success by studying the characteristics of rural kiosk operators, to identify and provide a model for the selection strategy of rural entrepreneurs. … Read More

The Importance of Hold-Up in Contracting: Evidence From a Field Experiment

This study explores how the relationship specificity of an investment affects the ex-ante structure of contracts and the ex-post resolution of an ensuing hold-up problem. … Read More