Author Archives: admin

ILEEP – The India-local Economic Environment Programme

This pilot developed a process for stakeholder participation in local economic planning for four districts in Tamil Nadu. … Read More

Evaluation of Hyderabad’s Pharmaceutical Drugs Cluster

An assessment of solvent loss via air, effluents and technology diffusion in the pharmaceutical cluster in Hyderabad. … Read More

Gender Differences in Seeking Health Care: Evidence From India

This study examines gender differentials in seeking medical care, in light of the healthcare costs faced by household. … Read More

Fuel Adulteration

A study that implements as experimental intervention to understand and test policy solutions to gasoline adulteration in India. … Read More

Do Flexible Repayment Schedules Improve the Impact of Microcredit? Evidence from Rural India

An evaluation that studies the effects of flexible repayment schedules on borrowers’ investment level, consumption, and loan default in the dairy industry in India. … Read More

Fiscal Instruments for Low Carbon Transport in Chennai

This study examines the feasibility of implementing a congestion tax in Chennai, Tamil Nadu to present recommendations regarding levying a per trip charge in heavily congested corridors in the city. … Read More

Financing State Climate Actions: Initiatives in Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh

This study examines the landscape of climate finance in Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh, and outlines strategies for enabling the states to mobilise capital. … Read More

Demand for Green Buildings in Indian Cities

This study investigates the demand for eco-friendly apartments in gated and non-gated communities in select Indian cities by different income-buyers using the hedonic price modelling. … Read More

Information, Information Technology, and Local Governance

This initiative combines institutional analysis and technology insight to understand ways in information dissemination can improve local governance and strengthen democratic processes in India. … Read More

Data Gaps in Urban Informality

A study that addresses the data gap in realities of the urban poor faced by policy-makers in an effort towards having an impact on urban policymaking pertaining to urban poverty, transportation, housing, governance and design of city spaces. … Read More