Request for Proposal: Development of Gender MIS and Case Management System for the Deendayal Antydaya Yojana- National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM), IWWAGE

New Delhi
Posted 1 week ago

1. Background

The Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) is a flagship scheme implemented by the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India.  The Mission’s objective is to reduce poverty by enabling poor households to access gainful self-employment and skilled wage employment opportunities, resulting in appreciable improvement in their livelihoods on a sustainable basis through building strong grassroots institutions for the poor. More precisely, the Mission’s mandate is to touch between 70 million impoverished rural households dispersed throughout more than 600 districts, 6,000 blocks, 2,50,000 gram panchayats, and around 6,00,000 villages in 28 states and six union territories.

In 2021, DAY-NRLM released an advisory to SRLMs for integrating gender as actions and interventions into the institutional mechanisms and its various verticals. For this purpose, DAY-NRLM seeks to create a real-time Management Information System (MIS) for tracking progress on gender-related meetings and actions at various institutional levels (Self-Help Groups (SHG), Village Organisations (VOs), Cluster Level Federations (CLF)) and a case management system for tracking action taken and resolutions proposed by community-based institutional mechanisms for gender (i.e., Gender Point Persons, Village Organisation Social Action Committees (VO-SAC), Cluster Level Federation-Social Action Committees (CLF-SACs) and Gender Resource Centres (GRCs)) on various issues faced by women in rural areas ranging from access to rights and entitlements to gender-based violence.

Since 2019, the Institute for What Works to Advance Gender Equality (IWWAGE) has been the National Technical Assistance and Learning Partner to DAY-NRLM for gender-related interventions and has been tasked by DAY-NRLM to assist in the development of the gender MIS and case management system. IWWAGE is an initiative of LEAD, an action-oriented research centre of IFMR Society (a not-for-profit society registered under the Societies Act). IWWAGE aims to build and deepen evidence, policy engagement and implementation action around the low participation of women in the economy—caused by low asset base, poor access to public services, restrictive gender norms, and the burden of unpaid work—to find solutions to inform gender transformative changes and policy reforms. IWWAGE is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals, particularly women from minority groups, indigenous groups, and persons with disabilities, are encouraged to apply.

2. Objectives  

  • Development of a National Gender MIS, including a web- and mobile-based portal for the DAY-NRLM Scheme and its promoted institutions, including GRC, SHG, VO, and CLF across all states and UTs, to record the various activities conducted under gender initiatives programmes, using master data of NRLM with infographics and dashboard. The MIS for Gender is a one-time development and will be handed over to NRLM with KT for future management and maintenance;
  • The proposed MIS will help track progress on gender initiative indicators across states in India on selected inputs, processes and output indicators. The organisation will culminate in the development and handholding of states on the use of this customised, web- and mobile-based MIS platform, with accompanying data visualisations and dashboards, and with training and technical support being provided to relevant staff and community during data collection for six months after the rollout of the application; 
  • This system will also support the tracking of inputs, processes, and output indicators related to gender interventions of the DAY-NRLM, along with the National Gender Campaign;
  • The Gender MIS covers Campaign, Progress tracking and Case Management to be developed for tracking of all gender-related activities.

3. Scope of Work

This TOR is to invite applications from the Technical g with the following scope of work:

  • The Technical Agency will be responsible for developing the Comprehensive MIS for Gender activities, covering progress tracking and Case Management using the existing architecture of Gender Campaign MIS and integrated with LokOS;
  • The Technical Agency will update the existing Gender Campaign system according to the requirement for 2024 and integrate with common user management of the LokOS system of NRLM. The LokOS master data will be used for the Gender Campaign for 2024. The Gender MIS will be deployed in the Cloud provided by DAY-NRLM and used for implementation on the ground;
  • The API link will be shared by the DIC team to integrate the geographical and NRLM institutional hierarchy from the beginning for a smooth integration;
  • The web- and mobile-based portal of Gender to be developed and generate reports and a dashboard to track progress on Gender Intervention on a real-time basis across the country. The MIS will generate different reports across various levels, including SHG, VO, CLF, GRC, Block, District, State and National. The development and deployment of Gender MIS will be finalised under the technical guidance of Digital Information Corporation (DIC) and IWWAGE duly approved by the National Mission Management Unit of NRLM; 
  • The web- and mobile-based portal is to be made user-friendly and the platform is to be made ready for seamless integration of the Gender MIS web- and mobile-based portal. The Gender MIS will be an integrated system with the existing system of LokOS under DAY-NRLM under the technical guidance of DIC;
  • The agency will consolidate the requirements from NRLM and IWWAGE and prepare the Figma prototype. The prototype will be reviewed by IWWAGE/NRLM, and NRLM will approve the final prototype under the guidance of DIC;
  • The Gender MIS will be piloted in four blocks of four states after deployment of the application in the cloud. IWWAGE and NRLM will conduct the UAT before pilot implantation, and suggestions from the pilot to be incorporated into the application;
  • The agency will prepare a user manual for all three components of Gender MIS;
  • This web- and mobile-based portal development process will require but not be limited to the following:
    • Finalisation of tools, architecture and technology, training modules, training videos, creation of a mechanism for problem-solving (i.e., dedicated email, phone numbers, etc.)  and handholding for the seamless generation of data with quality, i.e., with adequate triangulation at all levels;
    • Develop guidelines and training materials, e.g., presentations, videos, and session plans, to make the training effective. There will be a need to continue the engagement till the web- and mobile-based portal is pilot-tested, rolled out and operationalised, which will involve training to staff, frontline functionaries and cadres of MoRD and Line Ministries and departments;
    • There will be a requirement for time-to-time presentations for inputs from NMMU-MoRD, IWWAGE, DIC and key stakeholders. The inputs will be incorporated till the pilot test is completed and the final web- and mobile-based portal is developed and approved by NMMU-MoRD upon technical vetting of DIC; 
    • Subsequent to the approval, the Technical Agency will provide seamless support to ensure the Gender MIS integration and migration process into the LokOS;
    • Any other as may be required and decided during the development, pilot, rollout, and deployment phase from time to time with reference to the input of IWWAGE, DIC, NMMU, States, Union Territories, CSOs partners and DAY-NRLM and the key stakeholders of DAY-NRLM. The Gender MIS (including Gender Campaign MIS and case management system) will be rolled out across the country and will be accessed by functionaries at various levels of the DAY-NRLMs ecosystem;
    • Given the scale of the project, it is envisaged that prototypes for real-time MIS and case management, each of these systems (i.e., real-time MIS and case management) be developed and presented to the National Mission Management Unit (NMMU);
    • The Technical Agency needs to prepare the final FRS/SRS with high-level design documents and share them with DIC/DAY-NRLM for approval;
    • Prepare the User Manual in Hindi and English, along with the video and audio manual to be prepared for complete application and to be shared with DAY-NRLM to guide the end-users;
    • Security Audit: The agency will conduct the security audit of Gender MIS before deployment in the cloud. A security audit to be undertaken from CERT-IN empanelled vendors of the Ministry of IT;
    • Upon receiving the Security Audit certificate, the Technical Agency will fulfil all the required procedures and deliverables that will be required to hand over the Gender MIS web- and mobile-based application/portal, databases to DAY-NRLM and DIC with the support of IWWAGE. Thus, the Technical Agency will be required to fulfil all technical requirements and will provide end-to-end support for the integration and migration of Gender MIS into the LokOS;
    • MIS portal, which is ready to be integrated and can be hosted into LokOS; 
    • The Technical Agency will be available to carry out multiple iterations during the process (development, updation, pilot, rollout, deployment phases), as it is likely to be evolved based on the requirements of the programme and in line with the guidance that will be received from DIC, DAY-NRLM and IWWAGE. 
  • The Technical Agency support and availability will be required up to six months after the successful implementation and handover of the application to DIC. The requirement of a further extended period for a longer duration will be based on the mutual agreement of all the parties;
  • The technical agency will extend full support during the implementation of Gender Campaign MIS in 2024-25 for troubleshooting.

4. Development

The Technical Agency will be identified as the Technology Development Partner for developing the Gender MIS (including Gender Campaign MIS and Case Management) web- and mobile-based application/portal. 

The Technical Agency selected will need to fulfil the following:

  • Excellent track record in the relevant field of web- and mobile-based application development; 
  • Demonstrated ability to develop web- and mobile-based applications enabled with dashboards and reports, etc.;
  • Possess significant knowledge of the DAY-NRLMs ecosystem, as well as the above-outlined requirements; 
  • Ability to be flexible and agile, and engage with multiple stakeholders, like IWWAGE, NMMU, and DIC, to understand the rationale and requirements for this project.

4.1 Gender MIS (Existing Gender Campaign MIS, Gender MIS with Case Management) web and mobile portal development and Usage.

  • Data collection through customised responsive web- and mobile-based interface; 
  • (User Interface Layer) at GRCs, SHG, VO, CLF and above levels of SRLM;
  • System to generate reports, analytics and dashboards for use at all levels by all types of users engaged by DAY-NRLM, and these are to be made available in real-time; 
  • The web- and mobile-based application will address data triangulation, quality check principles;
  • The business logic layer that connects the data presentation and user interface should be designed for interoperability with other data systems;
  • Pilot web- and mobile-based portals should be scalable across the country and support multilingual translations for all interfaces;
  • Real-time data collection with weekly/bi-weekly/monthly/quarterly reporting as relevant, covering all blocks under the state’s gender operational strategy in a sustainable and scalable manner;
  • Proposed solutions should be flexible and responsive to requirement changes as data indicators may evolve. It should be able to adapt to future iterations in terms of data collection and analysis, including the database structure;
  • The existing role-based common user management system of DAY-NRLM that allows access for catering to different user types with multiple roles;
  • System/interface/software integration with LokOS, to be hosted by the technical agency on a separate server after a security audit, and with reports to be suitably linked and displayed on LokOS platform;
  • The agency will be available during the data collection period to provide handholding support for troubleshooting to the staff and stakeholders at all levels for six months after the web and mobile portal is rolled out by DIC.

4.2. Tech Stack for Development 

  • Native Mobile Application: Development for Android using Angular with hybrid/native frameworks. Integration with necessary APIs and microservices to support application features. Key features: Push notifications, Geolocation, Offline mode, etc.;
  • Web Application: Development using Angular for a modern, responsive web application. Ensuring compatibility across various devices, including desktop, tablet, and mobile (both iOS and Android). Integration with backend services and third-party APIs for enhanced functionality;
  • Backend: Development using Spring Boot to handle the server-side logic, business processes, and API management. Implementation of microservices architecture to ensure scalability, reliability, and maintainability of the application;
  • Database: Use of PostgreSQL for data storage, ensuring data integrity, security, and optimised performance.

5. Deliverables 

  • Improvise and develop the web- and mobile-based application using technology used in the existing system of DIC, which would be used in administering data collection at different levels by the Institutional Mechanism of DAY -NRLM however not limited to Gender Resource Centers (GRCs), Self Help Groups (SHGs), Village Organisation, Cluster Level Federations (CLFs), Block Level Mission Management Units (BMMUs), District Mission Management Units(DMMUs), State Mission Management Units (SMMUs) and National Mission Management Units ( NMMUs), CSO Partners and Line Ministries and Departments as may be authorised by the DAY-NRLMs;   
  • Technical support and inputs of the MIS team of DAY-NRLM & Technical Support Team of DIC technical support inputs are to be taken on board for the development of the portal;
  • Design and develop the centralised web- and mobile-based MIS platform, including real-time dashboards and accompanying automated visualisations based on the incoming data, with dashboards catering to SHG, VO, CLF, block, district, state and national levels;
  • The platform will need to be flexible to measure indicators across states and have the capacity to aggregate information from all states with geotagging. The platform should allow the users to generate custom query-based reports to create their dashboards;
  • Support in designing, piloting and refining data collection tools, indicators and procedures for the use of the web- and mobile-based platform in partnership with DAY-NRLM and IWWAGE, which will regularly collect, record, and upload the desired data. Such tools may need to be translatable per regional language and be simple enough for ground-level staff to use and be trained on;
  • Training – online, build capacities and hand-holding relevant DAY-NRLM and SRLM staff and members of community institutions on the use of the web- and mobile-based platform for the collection of relevant data at regular intervals;
  • Access geo-masters and community institution master data sets from the LokOS application of DAY-NRLM;
  • Build reports and dashboards as part of a web- and mobile-based platform.
  • The Gender MIS, including Case Management, will be considered one of the down-line web- and mobile-based applications of LokOS of DAY-NRLM;
  • Test and support management and maintenance of the web- and mobile-based platform during the contract period before handing it over to DIC with the support of DAY-NRLM;
  • The web- and mobile-based platform infrastructure should be reusable with modification in subsequent years. The vendor would explicitly provide dependencies of all the external services and licenses used in the development. 

5.1. Handover of the web- and mobile-based application to the DIC with the support of DAY-NRLM. 

  • Functional Gender MIS, which includes case management and Gender Campaign MIS Dashboard platform for the DAY-NRLM;
  • Capacity building of the staff at all levels for data entry, including CLFs/GRCs;
  • Period of handover will be 11 months from 1st September, 2024 till, 31st July 2025;
  • A technical expert is requested to support the functional Gender MIS, including Case Management, consisting of a customised, web- and mobile-based MIS platform to monitor progress under DAY-NRLM’s Gender initiatives. This web- and mobile-based portal will be part of the Gender Initiative Monitoring System Undertaken by DAY-NRLM. Hence, components of the ToR can be revised based on the requirements of DAY-NRLM.

5.2. Expected Outputs

  • Develop and update already existing web- and mobile-based platforms for collecting data on and progress of DAY-NRLM’s gender initiatives and final quantitative report of the Gender Campaign year 3; 
  • Handholding support to NMMU/SRLMs staff before and during data collection on DAY-NRLM/ SRLM’s progress on achievements vis. the aforementioned strategy;
  • Availability of uniform and standardised data on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) – training, events, activities, and gender social action.

5.3. Expected Outcome 

Strengthened internal monitoring of the uptake and progress of DAY-NRLM’s gender initiative across states.

Data Collection Principles:

  • Data collection through customised responsive web and mobile interface; 
  • (User Interface Layer) at GRCs, SHG, VO, CLF and above levels of SRLM;
  • Web- and mobile-based dashboards and analytics of data collected in report formats (data presentation layer) and report generation;
  • The application will address data triangulation, quality check principles;
  • The business logic layer that connects the data presentation and user interface should be designed for interoperability with other data systems;
  • Pilot web- and mobile-based applications should be scalable across the country and support multilingual translations for all interfaces;
  • Real-time data collection with weekly/bi-weekly/monthly/quarterly reporting as relevant, covering all blocks under the state’s gender operational strategy in a sustainable and scalable manner;
  • Proposed solutions should be flexible to accommodate changes as data indicators may evolve. It should be able to adapt to future iterations in terms of data collection and analysis, including the database structure;
  • The existing role-based common user management system of DAY-NRLM that allows access for catering to different user types with multiple roles;
  • System/interface/software integration with LokOS, to be hosted by the technical agency on a separate server after a security audit, and with reports to be suitably linked and displayed on the LokOS portal;
  • The technical agency will be extending its role during the data collection period to provide handholding support for troubleshooting to the staff and stakeholders at all levels for six months after the application is rolled out by DIC.

7. Proposed Role of the Technical Agency

As part of this exercise, the need for the services of a technical agency would be required to: 

  • Update the Gender Campaign MIS and develop the platform that would serve as the MIS system for DAY-NRLM on Gender with Case Management;
  • Develop the relevant technology-based application, which would be used in administering data collection at different levels—to SHG, VO, CLF, block, district, state and national levels. DAY-NRLM MIS team and DIC technical support’s inputs—to be taken on board for the development of the web- and mobile-based platform;
  • Develop centralised web- and mobile-based MIS platform, including real-time dashboards and accompanying automated visualisations based on the incoming data, with dashboards catering to SHG, VO, CLF, block, district, state and national levels. The platform will need to be flexible to measure indicators across states and have the power to aggregate information from all states with geotagging;
  • Support in designing, piloting and refining data collection tools, indicators and procedures for the use of the web- and mobile-based platform in partnership with DAY-NRLM, DIC and IWWAGE that will be used to regularly collect, record and upload the desired data. Such tools may need to be translatable per regional language and be simple enough for ground-level staff to use and be trained on;
  • Multiple iterations in development may happen before the web- and mobile-based portal is finalised by DAY-NRLM;
  • The MIS report that will be created at any level to be visible to the higher management level.
  • The case management portal can be accessed by different levels of users, which includes BLF SAC/CLF SAC, VO SAC, GRC and higher-level mission management units;
  • The case management interface should include a separate filing retrieval system for cases of violence and rights and entitlements;
  • The dashboard will be prepared to show different reports with filters for different levels that can be downloaded in Microsoft CSV, xlsx, PDF and doc format;
  • Design necessary audio and video training materials or curriculum on data collection tools, web- and mobile-based platforms/applications, centralised platforms, and visualisations and dashboards. These materials and/or training should accompany a technical institution manual for use, along with a relevant data collection protocol of states;
  • The agency will also provide its support and expertise in expanding the tools used for collecting campaign activities and assessment data;
  • Generate weekly reports and submit them in PowerPoint slides after the initiation of the National Gender Campaign Year 3. In total, 4 PowerPoint presentations will be submitted, followed by a final report both in PowerPoint presentation and a complete report with analysis as discussed with the team;
  • The technical agency will also do data cleaning and data analysis of the National Gender Campaign Year 3 and submit a final report within one month after the data collection is officially closed by the DAY-NRLM;
  • The technical agency will extend its support to DIC and NMMU for online training, build capacities and handhold relevant DAY-NRLM and SRLM staff and members of community institutions on the use of the web- and mobile-based platform for the collection of relevant data at regular intervals, including data cleaning and validation for a period of six months after the web- and mobile-based application is rolled out. Link/redirect from DAY-NRLM MIS for viewing reports developed as part of a customised web- and mobile-based platform;
  • Test and support management and maintenance of the web- and mobile-based platform during the contract period before handing over to DAY-NRLM with support to DIC;
  • The agency will provide support to DIC up to six months after the rollout of the MIS portal to establish smooth data collection through the developed web- and mobile-based applications.

6. Proposed Timeline and Deliverables 

  1. Proposed Timeline for Major Deliverables for Gender MIS, Including Case Management and Gender Campaign.


Sl NoDeliverableTimeline
1.Initiating the MIS portal handover processJanuary 2025
2.Handover to be completed of the web- and mobile-based application to DICJanuary 2025
3.Handholding and support to the DIC team 30th July, 2025

  1.  Proposed Timeline and Deliverables for the Gender Campaign Year 2024-25.
Sl NoDeliverableTimeline
1.Updation, security audit and handover of Gender Campaign for FY 2024-2531st Oct, 2024
2.Training for data entry at different users to be completed20th Nov, 2024
3.First progress report in PowerPoint presentation of National Gender Campaign3rd Dec, 2024
4.Second progress report in PowerPoint presentation of National Gender Campaign10th Dec, 2024
5.Third progress report in PowerPoint presentation of National Gender Campaign16th Dec, 2024
6.Fourth progress report in PowerPoint presentation of National Gender Campaign25th Dec, 2024
7.Submit the final report of the National Gender Campaign Year31st Jan, 2025

  1. Proposed Timeline and Deliverables Gender MIS (Gender MIS including Case Management)
Sl NoDeliverableTimeline
1.Approval of prototypes of National Gender MIS, including case management through NMMU3rd Week September 2024
2.Development of the Gender MIS (including Case Management) web- and mobile-based application portalDecember 2024
3.Testing the portal (to engage actual participants to do the pilot testing)
4.Preparing all the material required for training and maintenance of the portal
5.Taking approval of the final MIS web and mobile application from DAY-NRLM4th Week December 2024
6.Security Audit of Gender MIS and Case Management application to be completedJanuary 2025
7.Initiating the MIS portal handover process
8.Handholding support to DIC after handover is completed30th July, 2025

*Any other requirement as it may evolve will be mutually agreed upon between the technical agency and recruiting agency to adjust and fulfil the requirement of DAY-NRLM. All the deliverables will be considered to be final upon due review and approval of DAY-NRLM.

**The deadline to close the RFP is 31st August 2024. To apply, please send an email to [email protected] with a quote and portfolio of past work.

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